2015年4月14日 星期二

How to Use svnsync Command to Backup SVN Repository ?


Platform : Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 64bits


1. Create a Null SVN Repository

# sudo svnadmin create Project_Name


2. Modify the content of pre-revprop-change file

# cd Project_Name/hooks/

# sudo cp  pre-revprop-change.tmpl pre-revprop-change

# sudo chmod +x pre-revprop-change

# sudo vim pre-revprop-change

=> The Last Line : exit 1

=> The Last Line : exit 0


3. Synchornize your SVN Repostiory from my google code project

# sudo svnsync init file:///home/svn/Project_Name https://bohan-debug-utility.googlecode.com/svn/ --username spyker729@gmail.com --allow-non-empty


# sudo svnsync sync file:///home/svn/Project_Name https://bohan-debug-utility.googlecode.com/svn --username spyker729@gmail.com


2015年4月9日 星期四

Change the Audio Output on Raspberry Pi

1. Install related package

# sudo apt-get install alsa-utils


2. Modify the audio path on Raspberry Pi

# sudo amixer cset numid=3 X


Where X is as following:

0 = Auto

1 = 3.5 mm Audio Jack

2 = HDMI


numid=1,iface=MIXER,name='Master Playback Volume'

numid=2,iface=MIXER,name='Master Playback ZC Switch'

numid=3,iface=MIXER,name='Capture Volume'

numid=4,iface=MIXER,name='Capture Switch'numid=5,iface=MIXER,name='Mic Boost (+20dB)'numid=6,iface=MIXER,name='Mic Boost2 (+20dB)'numid=7,iface=MIXER,name='Mic Switch'

numid=8,iface=MIXER,name='Sidetone Playback Volume'numid=9,iface=MIXER,name='ADC High Pass Filter Switch'

numid=10,iface=MIXER,name='Store DC Offset Switch'numid=11,iface=MIXER,name='Capture Source'numid=12,iface=MIXER,name='Playback De-emphasis'numid=13,iface=MIXER,name='Input Mux'numid=16,iface=MIXER,name='Output Mixer HiFi Playback Switch'numid=14,iface=MIXER,name='Output Mixer Line Bypass Switch'numid=15,iface=MIXER,name='Output Mixer Mic Sidetone Switch'

How to setup a VNC Server in Raspberry Pi ?

1. Install x11vnc package

# sudo apt-get install x11vnc


2. Setup your password

# x11vnc –savepasswd


3. Establish a VNC connection with 1920x1080 resolution and background execution

# x11vnc –geometry 1920x1080 –bg


4. Disconnect all of the VNC connections

# x11vnc –R stop


5. Change the the default resolution of Raspberry Pi

# vim /boot/config.txt

uncomment the ‘#’ tag in front of the following string





hdmi_mode=1    640x350    85 Hz
hdmi_mode=2    640x400    85 Hz
hdmi_mode=3    720x400    85 Hz
hdmi_mode=4    640x480    60 Hz
hdmi_mode=5    640x480    72 Hz
hdmi_mode=6    640x480    75 Hz
hdmi_mode=7    640x480    85 Hz
hdmi_mode=8    800x600    56 Hz
hdmi_mode=9    800x600    60 Hz
hdmi_mode=10   800x600    72 Hz
hdmi_mode=11   800x600    75 Hz
hdmi_mode=12   800x600    85 Hz
hdmi_mode=13   800x600   120 Hz
hdmi_mode=14   848x480    60 Hz
hdmi_mode=15   1024x768   43 Hz  DO NOT USE
hdmi_mode=16   1024x768   60 Hz
hdmi_mode=17   1024x768   70 Hz
hdmi_mode=18   1024x768   75 Hz
hdmi_mode=19   1024x768   85 Hz
hdmi_mode=20   1024x768  120 Hz
hdmi_mode=21   1152x864   75 Hz
hdmi_mode=22   1280x768          Reduced blanking
hdmi_mode=23   1280x768   60 Hz
hdmi_mode=24   1280x768   75 Hz
hdmi_mode=25   1280x768   85 Hz
hdmi_mode=26   1280x768  120 Hz  Reduced blanking
hdmi_mode=27   1280x800          Reduced blanking
hdmi_mode=28   1280x800   60 Hz  
hdmi_mode=29   1280x800   75 Hz  
hdmi_mode=30   1280x800   85 Hz  
hdmi_mode=31   1280x800  120 Hz  Reduced blanking
hdmi_mode=32   1280x960   60 Hz  
hdmi_mode=33   1280x960   85 Hz  
hdmi_mode=34   1280x960  120 Hz  Reduced blanking
hdmi_mode=35   1280x1024  60 Hz  
hdmi_mode=36   1280x1024  75 Hz  
hdmi_mode=37   1280x1024  85 Hz  
hdmi_mode=38   1280x1024 120 Hz  Reduced blanking
hdmi_mode=39   1360x768   60 Hz  
hdmi_mode=40   1360x768  120 Hz  Reduced blanking
hdmi_mode=41   1400x1050         Reduced blanking
hdmi_mode=42   1400x1050  60 Hz  
hdmi_mode=43   1400x1050  75 Hz  
hdmi_mode=44   1400x1050  85 Hz  
hdmi_mode=45   1400x1050 120 Hz  Reduced blanking
hdmi_mode=46   1440x900          Reduced blanking
hdmi_mode=47   1440x900   60 Hz  
hdmi_mode=48   1440x900   75 Hz  
hdmi_mode=49   1440x900   85 Hz  
hdmi_mode=50   1440x900  120 Hz  Reduced blanking
hdmi_mode=51   1600x1200  60 Hz  
hdmi_mode=52   1600x1200  65 Hz  
hdmi_mode=53   1600x1200  70 Hz  
hdmi_mode=54   1600x1200  75 Hz  
hdmi_mode=55   1600x1200  85 Hz  
hdmi_mode=56   1600x1200 120 Hz  Reduced blanking
hdmi_mode=57   1680x1050         Reduced blanking
hdmi_mode=58   1680x1050  60 Hz  
hdmi_mode=59   1680x1050  75 Hz  
hdmi_mode=60   1680x1050  85 Hz  
hdmi_mode=61   1680x1050 120 Hz  Reduced blanking
hdmi_mode=62   1792x1344  60 Hz  
hdmi_mode=63   1792x1344  75 Hz  
hdmi_mode=64   1792x1344 120 Hz  Reduced blanking
hdmi_mode=65   1856x1392  60 Hz  
hdmi_mode=66   1856x1392  75 Hz  
hdmi_mode=67   1856x1392 120 Hz  Reduced blanking
hdmi_mode=68   1920x1200         Reduced blanking
hdmi_mode=69   1920x1200  60 Hz  
hdmi_mode=70   1920x1200  75 Hz  
hdmi_mode=71   1920x1200  85 Hz  
hdmi_mode=72   1920x1200 120 Hz  Reduced blanking
hdmi_mode=73   1920x1440  60 Hz  
hdmi_mode=74   1920x1440  75 Hz  
hdmi_mode=75   1920x1440 120 Hz  Reduced blanking
hdmi_mode=76   2560x1600         Reduced blanking
hdmi_mode=77   2560x1600  60 Hz  
hdmi_mode=78   2560x1600  75 Hz  
hdmi_mode=79   2560x1600  85 Hz  
hdmi_mode=80   2560x1600 120 Hz  Reduced blanking
hdmi_mode=81   1366x768   60 Hz  
hdmi_mode=82   1080p      60 Hz  
hdmi_mode=83   1600x900          Reduced blanking
hdmi_mode=84   2048x1152         Reduced blanking
hdmi_mode=85   720p       60 Hz  
hdmi_mode=86   1366x768          Reduced blanking

6. Install VNC client and connect to Raspberry Pi


raspberry pi

Thank you.